Thanks Doc, I agree. I read Putin's war in Ukraine as a diversion from the "end of Covid", in service of Team Davos ("Vladimir, you have the green light") and more than paid for with higher commodity prices. Anything he gains there is gravy, and he has nothing to lose but rusty equipment and mouths to feed. That never stopped a Commie before, why should it now?

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Loved your essay in AT "Eckhart Tolle and the Fallacies of Borrowed Buddhism." That led me to AT essays from 2009-2016, in which it is said "this author has plans to conduct a mindfulness psychotherapy program (in the form of an American Thinker essay) for the left-wing lost ones." Was this ever written? How can I get a copy, or reference to it? I, too, see the fallacies of "borrowed Buddhism" or the liberal version of "designer Buddhism." In my view, the left has corrupted Buddhism into something like "Boomer Buddhism"--re-designed for leftist purpose. Yet, I am a meditator, a life-long conservative, and believer in God-given rights as the foundation for our Constitution. I have great respect for mindfulness practices, properly understood and practiced. I see no conflict between contemplative insights from mindfulness practices and Constitutional principles. Would love to know your thoughts on the matter. Jeff at: jpbaker8@roadrunner.com

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